
ECO-SCHOOL – an educational network for eco-conscious, sustainable life The overall objectives of the project are to organize and share local knowledge, to present area-specific practices. At the heart of the project is the introduction of environmental education and the lack of it on 6 different topics, home exercises. The new values ​​represented by the project: complex pilot training program, practical training, interactive exhibition, common virtual knowledge centers.

Location of implementation: Kiskunfélegyháza, Bács-Kiskun County

Partner Meeting: May 30, 2018 Pilot training will start in schools: September 3, 2018.

Professional materials can be found on the website:, please pay attention! HUSRB / 1602/32/0213 Ecocenter Foundation and Than Brothers Intelligence Circle


This document has been financially supported by the European Union. The content of this document is entirely the responsibility of the Ecocenter Foundation and should under no circumstances be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union and / or the Managing Authority.