Reviewing the National Core Curriculum and involving the tutors and educational specialists of the partner institutes, it can be stated that education only provides general knowledge connected to the conservation of environment and environmental awareness, and it is not enough for the real environmental education and to form an environmentally conscious view and lifestyle. According to the relevant analysis the field involved by the project is reach in natural and cultural values, in addition the traditional lifestyle related to these values can also be found, however according to our impressions it can be said – adequately to the social/lifestyle analysis on the macro level – that taking responsibility for the environment is still missing from the everyday of the population.
The general aim of the project is to reform the viewpoint and the lifestyle (partly) of the population orienting towards environmental awareness and environmentally responsible life. The related subgoals were determined to answer the above formulated basic problem(s). The project to the direct and indirect target audience:
- by sharing and systematizing the general and local, specific knowledge
- provides theoretical and
- practical solutions,
- all this in the form of playful-experiential learning,
- using learning-by-doing methods,
- through developing educational programs, experimental training,
- educational network,
- using the impact of special communicational campaigns on viewpoints and
- the motivational effect of good inspirational practices that can be found in our immediate surrounding
- in cross-border and culturally related cooperation
- taking into consideration the horizontal aims.
The environmental education, the introduction of the eco-conscious education, the supplementation of its absence, creating studies that include field specific knowledge together with complex interpretation of sustainability (society and surrounding, energy- and water thrift, sustainable products, community building) and at home practices are in the centre of the project. Main elements are:
- related curriculum and experimental training
- e-learning training
- practical education
- field-trips
- thematic days
- application of smart phones
- ECO-SCHOOL science centres
- interactive exhibitions
- target group specific communication.
The elements of the project are realized in a different way together with the participants, who are Hungarian and Serbian school kids, experts and tutors. We are planning to build in the experimental training program to the educational system. During the communicational campaign we give preferences to communicational forms that facilitate the indirect and experience-based learning forms, like the virus films, local products, or the “make a film by anything” and the “sustainable changes at home” student competitions. Besides these the project applies online communicational devices, solutions, like the social media, Facebook page and campaign, online PR articles, interactive website, smart phone applications.
The new values represented by the project are: complex interpretation of environmental responsibility, well-tried practices (home and handmade instead of big and expansive systems and products), complex experimental training program, practical training, special communication, interactive exhibition, collective virtual knowledge centres.
This document, product, event, website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the document, product, event, website is the sole responsibility of Beneficiary’s name and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and or the Managing Authority.